Building safer clubs: Supporting club welfare across the nation

The Sport Welfare Officer Network (SWO network) has been created to support National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and their local clubs to promote good practice and safer sport for all. The network is funded by Sport England through National Lottery funding.

The SWOs are working with key partners to develop a local approach to assisting and supporting club welfare officers, to create safer club environments and improved experiences for children, young people and adults.

Sport Welfare Officer Network – Active Partnerships

Meet the Sport Welfare Leads for Active Essex


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Marianne Appleton

Sport Welfare Lead

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07341 124380

Wayne Hickey

Sport Welfare Lead

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07407 794710

Marianne Appleton

Marianne has over 18 years’ experience in Learning and Development, in the Education & Playwork sectors. In recent years, her career has focused on safeguarding and well-being training and supporting & developing staff within a Further Education setting. With a passion for training, she is committed to overcoming barriers to a learner’s professional development, ensuring training is accessible, provides value & is impactful for all.

Having worked with under 18s in various settings, including schools & as a volunteer, she has extensive experience of providing safe, inclusive & enjoyable environments where participants engage in physical activity.


Wayne Hickey

Wayne joins the team having previously spent 30 years as a police officer with Essex Police. Most of this time was spent as a detective primarily investigating serious sexual offences, child abuse cases and dealing with registered sex offenders. After leaving the police Wayne worked for Essex County FA. Working with grassroots football Club Welfare Officers on safeguarding cases and assisting clubs to improve their safeguarding and welfare provisions. After leaving Essex FA Wayne worked as a Safeguarding Officer for the Scout Association investigating serious safeguarding concerns. Outside of work Wayne is the manager of his sons football team so has a good understanding of the pressures of volunteering In grassroots sport.

Active Essex
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