Major mass participation sporting events like RideLondon, inspire individuals to get active, bring people together and ignite communities. The Ford RideLondon-Essex 2024 Community Activation Toolkit, is full of ideas on how to activate your community, advertising opportunities and available funding. This year, there are two current funding/ support opportunities available; Essex Community Activation Fund and the Community Pitstop offer.

Download the Community Activation Toolkit

Essex Community Activation Fund

Targeted at local town and parish councils, constituted organisations and other community groups, this one-time-only fund will support local activations designed to engage communities in cycling themed events and activities to promote and support the Ford RideLondon-Essex events.

What can it fund?
  • Celebrations, activities, or other community events considered appropriate by the applicant
  • Designing and printing costs for leaflets that provide key information to the community about the RideLondon-Essex event.
  • Cost of materials for local decoration, community events/street parties (cannot be used for the purchase of alcoholic drinks).
  • Other related cycling activities
What we won't fund:
  • Activities promoting religious or political beliefs
  • Individuals
  • Any private businesses or profit-making organisations unless they are a Social Enterprise or Community Interest Company
  • Sole traders

Grants are available up to the value of £250 and will be awarded on a continuous engagement basis until the fund has been exhausted.

Apply here

Community Pitstop Support

Working in partnership with London Marathon Events, local businesses can apply for support to engage their communities and / or provide a ‘pitstop’ service to riders or spectators.

The community pitstop offer can support with facilities to help local businesses to diversify their offer over the Ford RideLondon-Essex weekend, with resources such as barriers, toilets etc.

To find out more information, please email: [email protected]

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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