PE and Sport Premium

Department for Education Guidance (Last updated 7th November) 

Webinar – Making the Most of the Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding 2023/24

Click here for the recording link of the Active Essex Webinar

Synopsis: This webinar focused on how schools can maximise the 23/24 Primary PE and Sport Premium grant and utilise any underspend from the 20/21 academic year to benefit young people in Greater Essex schools. The discussion and advice we based around the 5 key objectives for funding spend, all in the context of the current post- lockdown climate. The webinar will also provide some examples from around the county of how schools are effectively using the grant to support the health and wellbeing of young people and current whole school priorities.


Resources – Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE & Sport Premium

Being able to demonstrate the impact of this funding is essential to continue to build the picture for the need for future funding.  Publishing the spend and impact is also a condition of the grant. Annually, Active Essex complete an audit of all of our schools websites to ensure that this information is available, and that it is clear and easy to see the difference that this funding has made. From this information we create a local picture, (returned to the DfE) this includes trends in spend, swimming data, highlights areas of need and allows us to pick up and share good practice and ideas.

The following template is the most effective way to ensure you address all of the necessary criteria when reporting spend and impact:

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium Template

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE & Sport Premium Template – Example

If you have not yet published your impact report for 2023/2024 the academic year, please do so as a matter of urgency to comply with the award conditions.

Top Tips for PE & Sport Premium Spend from the Youth Sports Trust

Key Indicator 1 Poster

Key Indicator 2 Poster

Key Indicator 3 Poster

Key Indicator 4 & 5 Poster

For further information please visit:

Please contact Anthony Seaman (Active Essex Education Practitioner) for more information and support: [email protected]

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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