Being physically active during pregnancy is safe, and can help reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes, reduce depression, and can provide a great foundation to return to pre-pregnancy weight in the postpartum period.

To normalise an active lifestyle, throughout motherhood, we recognise that everyone has an opportunity to promote physical activity.

Active Mums Starts With You

A new campaign for healthcare professionals to talk openly with expectant and new mums to offer advice on how to exercise safely.

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NHS Exercising During Pregnancy Advice

Find out how much you need, which types of exercise you can safely do and what to avoid.

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Talk Listen Cuddle

TLC is an Essex campaign helping parents, carers and families give their young children the best start to life, developing their communication skills through playful learning at home.
As parents, you are the most important people in your baby’s early development.

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Essex ActivAte

Essex ActivAte is the name for the exciting activity clubs run by Active Essex! During school holidays, local club providers across the county deliver free holiday clubs and fun activities to get eligible primary and secondary children active, as well as support young people to make friendships and learn new skills, helping to enhance their wellbeing.

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Buggy Active

Buggy Fitness Classes are delivered as part of the Active Mums offer at Active Life. Funded through Active Essex Find Your Active grant, the sessions provide a great way to encourage local mums to get outside, get active and socialise with others.
Active Essex
Two people playing catch

Activity Finder

Discover what physical activity and sport opportunities are available near you.

Find Your Active here