Why now is the time to consider organisational development?

In a volatile and uncertain economic & social climate, organisations are being stretched. Some of our ‘normal’ ways of working have been severely tested by Covid-19, and subsequent economic turbulence here in the UK. For many, the way in which our work and business’s function has changed dramatically. Organisations are collaborating with new partners and being forced to think differently about achieving their goals and delivering their products and services. It has also exposed the importance and significance of the people working and volunteering in our organisations and the undisputable need to focus on the recruitment, retention, wellbeing and needs of our staff & volunteers.

Organisations are grappling with complex people challenges and change, looking to sustain the best of recent experiences or, to radically alter parts in response to recovery and the further challenges we face. To make change sustainable, those issues require more than one-stop management solutions. Organisational development (OD) works alongside you to build strong people planning, competence and cultures to create meaningful change.

How can we help?
We are working with experienced OD practitioners to help create space for you to think about your culture and team. We have built a self-assessment tool for you to work through with your organisation, using the tool as a chance to reflect on strengths and areas for improvement. The OD practitioners will then build a bespoke report based upon your reflections and meet with you to help you embed any improvements. This support will aid you to plan for the future, generate energy for change and foster collective resilience.

We want to support you to meet challenges in these particular areas:
• How to recruit and retain staff and volunteers more effectively.
• How to offer better working environments and increase staff and volunteer satisfaction.
• How to plan and work towards a thriving organisation from a people and skills                       • How to develop effective governance and plan for the future.

Hollie Wood

Relationship Manager, Mid Essex

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07738 885121

Placeholder Image
Jess Leonard

Assistant Relationship Manager - Mid Essex

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07340250802


If you would like to discuss your work in this space please contact Hollie or Jess!

Please see link below to find People, Culture, Skills Framework: https://www.activeessex.org/support/people-culture-and-skills/
Has the person, or people, responsible for staff and volunteer recruitment and retention (e.g., CEO, committee, HR…) got the time to be able to commit to this process?
Please tick the boxes to confirm that you can commit to the ask below.
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