Instructor delivering an activity to participants living with parkinsons

New partnership launched to enhance sport and physical activity sector

Active Essex

Active Essex, CIMSPA, and the Essex Chambers of Commerce are excited to announce a new partnership that brings the Sport and Physical Activity Skills Advisory Board under the umbrella of the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), as one of their Sub Sector Groups. This collaboration also establishes the board as a sub-committee of CIMSPA’s Professional Development Board.

The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, providing leadership and support for professionals working in the industry. Whilst the Essex Chambers of Commerce is the leading business organisation in Essex, representing and supporting businesses across the county through advocacy, networking, and professional development. Utilising the strengths of these two organisations, alongside the Active Essex team who has extensive hyper-local knowledge will help to drive effective improvements for the sector.

Hollie Wood, Active Essex Strategic Lead for Sport and Physical Activity said: “This strategic alignment is set to supercharge the existing work of the Essex Sport and Physical Activity Skills Advisory Board. With the additional capacity and expertise that CIMSPA, and their Skills Hub Manager Lisa brings, this initiative will drive significant positive change which will build upon the People Culture Skills Framework. We know that this partnership will help make huge strides in our aim to make the sport and physical activity sector in Essex, a great place to work, play and volunteer.”

The Sport and Physical Activity Skills Advisory Board is an employer-led body that acts as the local strategic leadership collaborative to support the development of people, culture and skills within the Essex sector. It is the hope that the integration with LSIP, will provide the board with a stronger platform to influence and implement the necessary changes to ensure continued growth.

If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, please contact Hollie or Lisa.