This networking event aims to bring together individuals and organisations from across the system and county to share and learn. Each individual who attends, should be able to take something from the event, and implement straight away into their work, benefitting the lives of our residents. The last two years have been difficult with the pandemic, and as we build back our sector, face-to-face events are becoming more important to ensure we can truly achieve place based working across the Essex ecosystem.

The Share – Connect – Collaborate Networking event is for Essex partners and organisations, to explore the steps we can take to achieve place-based working to make communities feel safe and ensure residents have social connection and a sense of belonging. Introducing the day will be Cllr Louise McKinlay Deputy Leader of Essex County Council, and Dr William Bird MBE, GP and Active Essex Chair. This will be followed by a number of workshops to develop system working, strengthen our thinking and provide a chance to share and learn. Plus a chance to hear from the fantastic South Essex Gymnastic Club gymnasts who excelled at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games.

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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