Take a Walk in the Park Day 2023

Active Essex

Today on March 30th celebrate Take a Walk in the Park Day with us! Parks are purpose built into cities and towns because they are essential spaces for citizens to explore their local green space and enjoy the outdoors. National Take a Walk in the Park Day celebrates these outings, no matter how small.

This national day was founded to help people connect with green spaces whether that be on their doorstep or further afield. Parks do not just offer an area to walk in but give people the opportunity to explore the wildlife and obvious beauty that this and nature brings to our world. Healthline researched the benefits of getting out in nature and these positive impacts stretched from improved breathing to reduced depression symptoms. Sunlight can ease low mood and fatigue which are symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

Getting out for a walk is a form of self-care as listening to the sounds of nature, gently exercising and reconnecting with the outside world is beneficial for our mental and physical well-being. Parks are a great social space and for people living alone or struggling with their mental health it can be a hub of well-being. Being surrounded by like-minded people, the greenery and nature can make someone’s day and be their daily escape.

Walks in parks became especially important during the Covid-19 pandemic because this time spent outside in a green space was a well needed escape from being in lockdown. An ONS survey found that during the pandemic 45% of people working from home visited their local park compared to the previous years 30% which evidently shows how beneficial it is to utilise these green spaces and how important they are to have embedded into our local area.

Taking time to walk around a park can be a solitary activity meaning you can plug yourself into your favourite album or podcast or you can invite a family member, friend or group of people along to enjoy the park together. This could be the perfect time to ask someone how they are doing and check in with them as you never know how needed a conversation could be for someone.

Essex has some amazing parks and green spaces which you can access. Hylands Park, Hadleigh Park and Danbury Country Park are great examples of areas you can go and explore as they are such vast spaces. Find a nice spot for a picnic or visit the local coffee shop or café and support a local business!

However you enjoy Take a Walk in the Park Day, do it with a smile on your face and a spring in your step!