Public Health Accelerator Bids Programme

Active Essex

The Public Health Accelerator Bids Programme (PHAB) is funding new projects across Essex to help people live an active and healthy life. PHAB has been striving to make a difference to the lives of vulnerable residents and close the health inequalities experienced in the county that prevent people from living healthy lifestyles.

The programme consists of small and major grants that are given to groups that actively add a service to the community that improves quality and length of life to those that are involved. The focus is not solely on physical health but mental wellbeing also and the programme recognises the overall positive affect that healthier choices can have on our health.

Fit for the Future is the Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Essex, Southend and Thurrock which highlights how being physically active is the most effective way to enrich the lives of residents. PHAB closely align with this vision and the work of Active Essex to eradicate health inequalities and use the positive outcomes of movement for the benefit of the county. The programme understands that everyone has different preferences and experiences with physical activity so the wide variety of projects offered is important. Helping people find their active, decrease inactivity and enhance their lives is an ambition shared across the system.

For example, Making Melodies with Ace Music Therapy have had funding to bring people in the community together to make music and move to it! They aim to use the benefits of music to make people feel comfortable and safe as well as practicing important mindfulness exercises and breathing techniques.

Another project called UTurn25Sport in North Essex, is an innovative project combining activity and mentoring where young people improve their resilience and wellbeing in a structured and safe environment. Not only is this helping them get active and delay poor health but it’s tackling and addressing inequalities within the community which should have wider benefits.

The PHAB programme and the projects funded, want residents in Essex to feel heard and supported as they find what works for them in terms of physical activity. Combined with a community focus that brings people together and focuses on the inequalities they face, the funding help tailor the future of these communities.


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