Active Essex

Congratulations to our Essex Olympians

The 2020 Olympic Games may have come to an end, but we at Active Essex are still reeling from the buzz and excitement. Not...
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Essex Local Delivery Pilot

Cheryl visits Essex Pedal Power

Essex Pedal Power is a community-based cycling project, with an aim to allow residents in Clacton and Jaywick Sands an opportunity to find their...
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Active Essex

How Dave Tomlin Found His Active

Finding a physical activity that suits your needs, your abilities and your life is an important but sometimes daunting task. It can be hard...
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Active Essex, Essex Local Delivery Pilot

Essex Superstars Honoured by the Queen

Active Essex would like to congratulate Lyndsey Barrett, Founder of Sport for Confidence and Stuart Long, Founder of ATF, on receiving a British Empire...
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Essex Local Delivery Pilot

Dave Morgan – Get Cycling, Clacton

“Choose a hobby that isn’t going to cost you.” These were wise words once said to Dave Morgan, who had moved to Tendring nine...
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Active Essex

How has return to play been for Greater Essex?

As the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on our physical and mental wellbeing over the past year, seeing a small return to some...
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One Million Lives

Essex SGO team

Our first One in a Million award for 2021, goes to a group of incredible people who work tirelessly to ensure the children and...
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One Million Lives

Red Balloon Foundation

The Red Balloon Foundation is an evolving charity, with a main aim to support children and young people to thrive. Already well established within...
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One Million Lives

Tom Littlewood, Our Final One in a Million

Over the last year, getting active hasn’t been the easiest of tasks for children in Essex, as national lockdowns and local restrictions have meant...
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Active Essex

Oliver Lancashire

Anti discrimination and anti bullying of people with disabilities “We tend to hear a lot about racism, sexism, and bullying on the news or...
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Active Essex

Running Mayor – Samantha Holmes

A new nationwide network of Running Mayors have been announced to champion running as an antidote to some of the growing issues in our...
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Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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