Programme Participants

No one gets to choose how you move!

Active Essex

The Football Focused Excellence – Kick Start programme, based in Harlow, are bringing women together of all backgrounds and abilities to introduce them to movement, and help them to find their active.

Each session consists of 45 minutes of circuit style movements, followed by a workshop with a nutritionist to help the women compliment the workouts with healthy eating. Creating a warm, friendly and non-judgemental environment is vital, and this group do this perfectly. Participants have already been seen to be growing in confidence, whilst working at their own pace with adapted exercises if needed.

Funded through the London Marathon Charitable Trust, following RideLondon-Essex last year, the Find Your Active small grants programme is helping to introduce lots of residents to new opportunities in their local area – it’s just about finding what’s right for you.

Head of Football Focused Excellence Shaun commented:

“It’s amazing to see the difference in the women since the start of the programme! It’s really important we offer lots of varied opportunities for residents to get active. One participant was travelling to Epping as this was the cheapest gym she could access but has since paused that to attend these local sessions as they’re free, and closer for her to get too.”

Danielle Warnes, Active Essex West Essex, Assistant Relationship Manager, added:

“For us at Active Essex, it’s been wonderful to see the impact this group is having on the community, and it’s all been made possible thanks to the Find Your Active Small Grants Programme. Toni, the instructor was amazing, and they have even set up a WhatsApp group for at-home session plans and ensuring the women feel supported throughout their journey to be more physically active.”

We love hearing the fantastic feedback from groups such as these, who are bringing communities together, being supportive and non-judgemental as participants find their active and something they enjoy. We will be following this group as they become more embedded within the community and can’t wait to catch up with their participants soon!