Let’s Focus on Movement this Mental Health Awareness Week!

Active Essex

Mental Health Awareness week this year is all about taking moments for movement. At Active Essex we want to encourage as many people as possible to find an activity or movement that boosts mental wellbeing and puts a smile on their face.

Everyone can get involved in movement and feel the benefits it can bring. It’s important to remember that mental health problems are faced by everyone, regardless of age or background.

In the UK, 40,000 children are estimated to be waiting more than 2 years for mental health treatment. Our Move With Us campaign focuses on helping young people find a movement that works for them, as well as addressing statistics such as this.

Move With Us follows the Find Your Active message that there is something for everyone! For young people, encouraging them to engage with physical activity should help them as they develop into adulthood. From walking and cycling as a means of actively travelling to school, to joining a local club, there is a range of opportunities for young people across Essex and it’s this allotted time for moving that can help reduce stress and boost positive hormones like serotonin that will reduce the chance of mental health problems.

Managing stress, improving mood and better sleep are just a few of the positive effects from being more active and these can all contribute to better mental health. These benefits can be achieved through any physical activity whether that is a run in the park, a local dance club or a community swim school.

Research and experience has led to an increase in active interventions for people with mental health problems. London firefighter, Dean Corney, was shocked by the male suicide statistics in the UK and built upon the ‘walk and talk’ sessions hosted by local councillors to create a regular event where male firefighters could connect during a 45-minute stroll.

Creating a community where men could comfortably talk about their mental health was a result of moving in nature. The success of this project was evident as some of the attendees were able to go back to work following these walks because they felt more confident in themselves and their ability to manage their mental health problems (read more here: https://www.mind.org.uk/media/13480/walk-talk-999-walking-for-wellbeing.pdf ).

Many adults have reported that they can’t find the time within their daily schedule to be active. At Active Essex, we aim to encourage people to make small changes so that they can move more. Parking your car further away at work so you have a longer walk is an example, or dancing in the kitchen while the dinner is cooking. You can even try some stretches and movements whilst the kettles boiling!

It all counts when looking after our mental health through movement, so set aside some time and feel the benefits from getting active!

Explore our website and Find Your Active activity finder for inspiration: https://www.activeessex.org/