Exercise Self Care for Life

Active Essex

Self care should be an everyday habit, to help us manage modern life and our own wellbeing. Self care day may only be one calendar day but it’s about spotlighting the benefits of putting your mind and body first and setting aside time to help lead healthy and happy lives.

Practising self care should be a life long journey and we believe that physical activity and movement is an essential part of this practise. We should be exercising self care for life.

Recognising the many benefits movement and daily activity can have on our bodies and minds can help boost motivation to engage with activity. Reduced stress and increased production of endorphins occurs when we move our bodies. The domino effect from this is that our mood is boosted, mental clarity improved and better sleep is promoted. Understanding the knock-on effect that comes from reaching our daily movement goal, demonstrates how physical activity is the ultimate form of self-care as we’re ensuring our bodies and minds are looked after.

Feelings associated with moving in a group and with others can be another form of self-care as you benefit from being in a supportive group of like minded people. In Clacton, AUM Yoga meet weekly to practise breathing, gentle poses and mindfulness. Attending these groups and making time for socialising through movement can have amazing benefits and one participant told us;

“I had Bell’s Palsy last year and was paralysed down one side and couldn’t walk and I’ve come out of my comfort zone and I’ve mixed with people. I’d be depressed and sitting in an armchair watching television and still be on medication which I’m now off of. I feel really lovely and it’s lifted my life and it’s given me a reason to get up in the morning.”

Hearing from someone who uses movement as a way to practice self-care highlights how important it is to incorporate these minutes of activity into your routine. A movement such as yoga where you actively try to reconnect with your body and mind and block out everyday stresses is a great example of something to try but these feelings can be achieved in different forms, so find what works best for you!

Make the most of your day but taking moments for yourself, this could be morning yoga, a nature walk, your favourite home workout or a dance around the house to your favourite artist. Remember self-care if essential!

If you are exploring how to start your movement journey and make those small changes to benefit then explore our website and our getting started page as it could be the inspirational tool you need to find something you love : https://www.activeessex.org/how-do-i-get-started/ .