Edward Budge

Active Essex

Edward is 67 and is living with Type 2 Diabetes and finds taking part in physical activity has helped him keep his Diabetes under control.

He participates in a range of different physical activities including, Golf, Bowls and Let’s Keep Moving in Canvey and said: “Through joining the Let’s Keep Moving group I have made many new friends and it is through this group we try new activities as well.”

Taking part in physical activity has given Edward better movement, helped with his joints and his quality of life. He said: “I have found it (being active) has kept me busy and occupied at times I would otherwise be doing nothing. I do it to keep going and keep moving. I enjoy meeting new people, exploring my interests and ensures I do what I can. The activities I join have helped keep my diabetes under control, along with having a positive impact for my all round health and wellbeing.

If you would like to join some of the activities Edward is involved in, click below to find out more information:

Find a Golf course near you

Get involved with a Bowls club

Let’s Keep Moving – Canvey Island and Clacton