E-Bike Pilot Scheme comes to Basildon!

Active Essex

50 E-Bikes are being utilised in a new workplace pilot project! Residents in Basildon Borough have been benefitting from a new 6 month period E-Bike scheme, helping boost the physical and mental wellbeing of the recipients, whilst providing a sustainable method of transport for commuting to work.

The electric bike loan project aims to deliver a free E-Bike to individuals who are inactive or facing travel inequalities. Before receiving the electric bike, participants are offered cycle training and cycle maintenance sessions which will increase their confidence.  Offering support to employees through the bike loan scheme should not only sustain active travel to their workplace, but should also provide them with a new way to get active.

Electric bikes require moderate movement, so will still increase the activity and fitness levels of the recipient, as well as boost their mental wellbeing from moving outside. A free bike will not only benefit employees, but their employer too. It has been proven that staff who are more active, and start their day with movement, have increased productivity and concentration levels, creating better outputs whilst at work. It can also bring employees together, which in turn builds rapport and relationships between members of staff.

Most of the participants that reported back expressed an interest in forming a work cycling community because they feel it would bring them together. A love for cycling was shared by all recipients but many had neglected getting on their bike due to time restraints or not having the equipment or knowledge to cycle regularly.

Two of the participants have started a “bike buddies” commute and said “we encourage each other to cycle more and get healthier.” Forming a connection with colleagues through cycling is another benefit of the project and can inspire further interest in activities and movement outside of cycling.

With an increase in active travel, employers will be able to assess the accessibility of their workplace. Further support from employers includes opening facilities and showers, ample cycle parking and support groups which will in turn increase the likelihood of employees choosing to actively travel. Small changes like this can have a huge impact.

Speaking to those who have been using their electric bike has highlighted the range of benefits that the bike plan offers. Increased time with family members and improved wellbeing are positive impacts that extend further than active travel opportunities.

One recipient who has received their E-Bike told us;

“I applied for an e-bike, so that I could go out more often with my daughter – My daughter has just started using a scooter, so we can go out to the local parks together. I am hoping that during this loan I can improve my fitness, I plan to ride over summer which will also support my mental health too.”

Increased awareness of active travel and the implications on employees both inside and outside of the working environment should help provide more opportunities such as this. Changes made by employers and their employees can have significant positive impacts on the workplace, the environment and the wellbeing of those choosing to make healthier lifestyle choices.