Deborah Rogers

Deborah Rogers

Active Essex

Deborah Rogers, 60, is living with Breast Cancer, Metataces in the spine and liver and Type 1 Diabetes.

Macmillan helped Deborah get involved in an array of physical activities from Nordic Walking and E-Bike Cycling to Active Fit and Active Live through Recovery sessions. She decided to become more active as she was no longer walking and wanted to keep herself busy.

Deborah said: “I have lose weight, I have become fitter, I have made new friends and this has been something to get up and get out for. It has helped me keep mentally stimulated and helped motivate me through the motivation from others. Physical activity has put me in a position where I can relate to those around me, giving me more confidence and better mobility.”

If you would like to get involved in any of the activities that Deborah does, please see below:

Active Life

Active Life through Recovery

Nordic Walking

Or perhaps you are a fitness and activity deliver and would like to learn how to better work with those living with cancer or diabetes, attend one of our workshops.