The impact of PEM was independently assessed by the University of Essex and the evaluation of the two-year pilot, which ended in August 2022, provided fundamental findings and key recommendations around system-led opportunities, the hardwiring of physical activity, workforce and impact, which evolved into Reconnect.

Find out more about PEM here

As part of the Reconnect service, an evidence-based Occupational Therapy-Led model will be deployed to support people with learning needs and/or disabilities, autism, long-term health conditions, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, as well as their carers. The service will be community-based and will use physical activity as a tool to build and maintain physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. The aims of Reconnect are to:

The majority of participants typically receive support for up to 12-weeks, with a small percentage needing medium term 24-week support.

The new service is now live and Referrals can be made directly to Sport for Confidence via their online referral system or through the Essex Wellbeing Service.

Active Essex
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