Hi I’m Lily, I’m 14 and a sprinter and pentathlete from Essex. I’m excited to be a Move with us Ambassador and encourage and inspire others to improve their skills and fitness whilst having fun! I’ve always been fairly competitive naturally and my Mum has videos of me winning races from the early age of 4! However, in order to keep at a consistent high level I train consistently up to 4 times a week. This season I have competed Nationally and at County level for both my School and Athletics club and broken club and school records. The highlight was winning the title of English Schools Champion in the 300M. I’d love one day to represent my country, and I have dreamed of being in the Olympics since primary school. I hope I can motivate and inspire others to fulfil their dreams and goals whilst staying healthy and active. You can follow my journey on instagram @Lilyrunninggirl

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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