Interested in further funding, training or development? Look no further! We want to ensure you, our locally trusted organisations, are kept in the loop with the latest funding opportunities and wider training and development courses available, to help enhance your skills, as well as families and young people across the county, so take a look below!

Essex Sector Job Opportunities

Following on from the HAF onboarding sessions at Easter, many of you expressed that you will be looking to recruit over the summer period. Check out our Essex Sector Job Opportunities page, where you can upload any of your job opportunities for many people to view and apply!

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Become an advocate

Move With Us Advocate

Make your pledge today, to play an important role in contributing to increasing children's positive attitudes towards physical activity. By signing up, you will gain access to the Advocate Portal!

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You Said, We Did

Thanks to the voices of local young people, the Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit invested £1.5 million in 2023-24, to help provide opportunities and services to support local young people feel safer in their communities.

The voices of young people are pertinent to ensuring funding is allocated to what young people are saying they really need in order to feel safer in their communities.

Find out more here.

ECCPH and AEF project

Essex County Council Public Health is funding an exciting new project with the Active Essex Foundation to support mental health and physical activity for 17-25-year-olds in Essex.

If you’re a voluntary or community organisation interested in using sport to support young adults with low emotional wellbeing, join our launch webinar to learn more.

To secure your spot, please email: [email protected] to receive a Microsoft Teams invite.

Read the poster to find out more!

The project team at Active Essex Foundation look forward to seeing you there!

Take part in this year’s VVU Listening Project

If you run youth sessions with at least *15 young people aged 11-25yrs as a part of an officially recognised charity or organisation, then you can take part. Funding for this project is limited and we are hoping to involve 5 groups in each District of Essex (plus the unitary authorities of Southend & Thurrock).

Each organisation will receive £90 as a donation per ‘slot’ towards pizza or resources for the club.
*You could choose to run the session with a couple of groups to make up the numbers if your groups are smaller, but the donation will still only be £90 to share between those groups. ECVYS will also allow smaller groups if you run sessions for SEN young people.

If you would like to take part in this year’s VVU Listening Project, and be involved in making positive changes, please get in touch to reserve a place and tell us the date you plan to run the session.

Please email: [email protected]

The feedback submission deadline is 31st January 2025.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis!

New Skills Diagnostics Launches With CIMSPA

As you may be aware we have worked with CIMSPA (The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) over the past couple of years to support our sector here in Essex, Southend & Thurrock which has seen us launch the People, Culture, Skills (PCS) Framework.

We are delighted to continue this partnership and introduce you to Lisa Wright, who has been recently recruited by CIMSPA as the local Skills Hub Manager.  Lisa will be working alongside Active Essex to build upon PCS and the Sport & Physical Activity Skills Accountability Board here in Essex. The Board aims to bring together employers, education providers, and employability-focused organisations to effectively and efficiently match supply and demand in the sports and physical activity sector through local skills action plans.

The goal is to ensure the sector can deliver health, economic, and social benefits to our nation by:

  • Ensuring local colleges, universities, and training providers offer education and training that matches employers need.
  • Working with employers and deployers to build a highly skilled workforce which offer inclusive opportunities, meeting the needs of diverse local communities and drive business success.
  • Give people who aspire to work in or wish to develop in the sector great career pathways.

With Lisa in post, we are able to ensure the local Skills Accountability Board here in Essex feeds into their work nationally alongside Sport England and will bring significant data and insight through CIMSPA’s newly formed Skills Diagnostics. This insight will ensure your needs are fed into our local skills plan which the Board will be responsible for.  Over the coming weeks Lisa will be looking to engage with as many employers in the sector as possible to gain insight into your needs around skills gaps.

You can complete the Skills Diagnostics here;  Workforce Skills Diagnostic  (QR code attached). The person completing it will need to know the skills and recruitment requirements for your organisation so please do forward on to the most appropriate person.

Chase Football Coaching Programme

The bank Chase are offering 2,900 fully-funded introductory coaching qualifications and 85 professional coaching bursaries that’ll help more people learn valuable skills for both on and off the pitch. Not everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to developing life skills that can help secure a job, or support career growth. 


  • Aged 16 and over 
  • Live in England or volunteer, play or coach for a football club in England
  • At least one of the following: Have an annual income under £22,800, receive universal credit, received free school meals as a child or your parents were in a low paid or low skilled job when you were 14

Find out more information here.

Further funding and training opportunities

Micro scooters exclusive offer for ActivAte partners


Jack Petchey Grants


Greene King IPA Proud To Pitch In Fund

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Sport England Small Grants

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Raising Money Workshop

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