Our very own Mr Seaman. Ant is great at providing, innovative and exciting ideas for children to keep active. Whether that is using chairs in the garden as posts, a balloon as a ball in the house or even cans of beans for weights! His workouts are FUN!

My name is Anthony Seaman and I love PE, physical activity and sport! I am a primary school teacher, specialist leader in PE, volunteer coach, lecturer and consultant. I have always loved all things related to sport, throwing myself into various sports and adventurous activities throughout my childhood.

I have one aim – to INSPIRE as many children as possible to ENJOY PE, physical activity and sport!

The lessons I am going to be running for Active Essex will be inclusive, skill-focussed PE sessions for adults and children of all ages! All you will need is a small space and some simple equipment (or alternatives) to take part. I will be using the expertise of my two sons, Oscar (9) and Isaac (5) to share with the participants how the session might look for children at different stages.

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