We are pleased to announce a range of learning and development opportunities for all of your organisations to get involved in! Back in March, we asked all Essex ActivAte providers to complete a self-assessment survey with your whole team, as a chance to reflect on the strengths and areas for improvement. Sporting People have supported us to understand the collective learning and development needs, so we can best support you and your colleagues over the year through a range of resources and learning below, this will include:

Download our flyer here!
Support and Development Guide

This guide aims to support specific small and micro-organisations with understanding and identifying their people strengths, as well as planning appropriate next steps in their organisation development. You will receive this guide from the HAF team, therefore any questions you have, please contact your locality lead.


Lunch and Learn Sessions with Sporting People

Starting in September, Sporting People are offering a series of online, bitesize, lunchtime sessions over two dates in each month until March 2024. The first session (1) in the month will be on a specific topic and theme reflected from the self-assessment survey. The second session (2) within the month will be the same specific topic or theme brought to life by a special guest speaker. Please see all sessions that you can book onto below.


Introduction to Sporting People- Learning Culture – Tuesday 18th July

  • Click here to view the slides 
  • Psychological Safety – ted Talk
  • Psychological Safety – Podcast
  • CIPD on Learning Cultures – Report
  • Leaders Role in Learning Cultures – Article
  • Building a Feedback-Rich Culture – Article


Intro To Managing & Leading Small OrganisationsAn introduction to leadership and management in small organisations

(1) Tuesday 12th September 12:00-12:45pm

Please click here to view the slides

Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/inWz_vYimBAVUYokfB4L_fdZdRhFThSyWFhVhkZ3P2HM0uRO2gcK-mIoMXjrMwTp.8RAa-mBuYVLegVr8

Passcode: SqV0$W&F

(2) Tuesday 26th September 12:00-12:45pm


Needs & Harm Prevention –Workforce engagement and voice

(1) Tuesday 12th October 12:00-12:45pm

Please click here to view the slides

Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/7pkIDn2YZdIrmFg6hj42UnSh1qQIHFwNpwRlGAvvLD3UKMznuvnvBdtS4oY8jGar.PM7Y7JUc4SYZrzIX

Passcode: wwHq?y4@

(2) Tuesday 24th October 12:00-12:45pm, link here.


Small Business Generic Support Strategic leadership and planning for small organisations

(1) Tuesday 14th November 12:15-13:00pm, link here.

(2) Tuesday 28th November 12:15-13:00pm, link here.


Learning and Development – Skills and people for the future

(1) Tuesday 16th January 12:15-13:00pm, link here.

(2) Tuesday 30th January 12:15-13:00pm, link here.


Small Business Generic Support – Designing and delegating roles

(1) Tuesday 13th February 12:15-13:00pm, link here.

(2) Tuesday 27th February 12:15-13:00pm, link here.


Workforce Journey – Coming and going – Recruitment, onboarding and leaving

(1) Tuesday 12th March 12-12:45pm, link here.

(2) Tuesday 26th March 12-12:45pm, link here.


Active Essex Foundation Learning Courses

The Active Essex Foundation are working with Street Games again to provide different learning workshops, focusing on organisations who provide community sports, as well as locally trusted organisations (LTO’s) who deliver primary, secondary and tertiary* sport and physical activities, also intervention/prevention projects for young people aged 10-24 years, across Southend, Essex and Thurrock. Please see the list of courses below from September 2023 – January 2024.


Impact of Sports and Youth Crime Workshop (10 – Principles and Theory Of Change)

Tuesday 12th September – 09:00-14:30, book here.


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Trauma Informed Practice

Wednesday 8th November – 09:30-14:30, book here.


Mentoring Young People In Community

Week commencing 22nd January TBC – 09:00-16:00, book here.


  • Any questions you may have, please contact Suzanne Page (AEF Sports and Youth Crime Prevention Project Manager) here: suzanne.page@activeessex.org
  • Find out how to support the Active Essex Foundation, upcoming events and the latest news here.


Further Support and Guidance

SIGN UP: Free Olympic and Paralympic Games inspired activity pack

Path to Paris is inspired by the Olympic and Paralympic Games, their sports and Values, and the amazing events that will take place in Paris next summer. There are a limited number of free packs available exclusively for HAF providers and we will send your activity pack directly to you! The pack includes:

  • Worksheets to help young people track and celebrate their progress
  • A SEND focused pack to tailor your facilitation to young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Stickers to reward and celebrate your young people’s participation and success

Download the pack for free here.


The Daily Mile

Easily integrate physical activity into your HAF provisions with The Daily Mile. Created by a Scottish Head Teacher Elaine Wyllie MBE in 2012, The Daily Mile is a simple initiative that involves children running, jogging, wheeling, or walking for 15 minutes in the fresh air with friends. The simple concept has taken the world by storm with over 90 countries involved across multiple continents. In England, over 2 million children take part from nearly half of the nation’s primary schools, so HAF settings provide a perfect opportunity to keep children involved over the holidays.  

Why do The Daily Mile in your HAF setting? Put simply, the children enjoy it; and it’s an evidence-based way of improving the physical, social and mental wellbeing of everyone involved.  

It’s a DfE backed initiative that does not require any training, equipment, or investment, and will achieve 15 minutes of the requirement for each HAF setting to deliver 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day.

How to set-up The Daily Mile in your HAF setting? There is a full 8 step set-up guide via the weblink below. Crucially, The Daily Mile is a non-competitive activity where children can move at their own pace. The route should be on a safe mud free surface – no need for a specific track – with the aim of 5 – 10 laps dependent on space. Links can be made to other areas of your HAF provisions, e.g., nutrition, hydration, creative thinking, and The Daily Mile team have put together a number of resources on the weblink below to support you.  

Find out how to get involved with The Daily Mile here.


E2E Vetting by Essex County Council

Who are we? We are trusted experts in providing advice and guidance to organisations about their Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and background checking requirements. We have been providing criminal records checks since 2002 and offer both a 100% online solution for employment vetting checks as well as a dedicated support team of employment vetting officers to help you make safer recruitment decisions. 

What is the benefit to you? We understand that safeguarding, efficiency, and cost are key aspects of employment vetting, which is why our online system allows us to create bespoke packages for our customers.  Whether you need a standalone check or 10 different checks, we can create the right package for you depending on your needs.

What checks do we offer? We offer a multitude of checks, ranging from DBS, in-depth internet and social media checks to right to work checks and lots more in between.  We currently run over 15 different types of checks to ensure everyone’s safeguarding needs can be met for safer recruitment. 

How do I find out more? We have more of information on our website https://dbschecks.essex.gov.uk as well as having a dedicated support team of knowledgeable vetting officers available for any questions or queries via email dbs.servicecentre@essex.gov.uk or phone: 03330 135 888


Disability Inclusion Club Hub

The Activity Alliance in partnership with Sport England Club Matters team, recently released the Disability Inclusion Club Hub. The online tool aims to continue to support clubs and organisations improve their activity opportunities, so more disabled people can be active at a local level.    The new resource enables sports clubs, community organisations, and the professional workforce to self-assess their offer for disabled people. As part of the assessment, users will understand how inclusive and accessible their current offer is for disabled people and identify areas for improvement.  

You can access the Disability Inclusion Club Hub by visiting the Club Matters website here.  

A full recording of the launch webinaris available here for anyone that wasn’t able to join, wishes to listen again, or share with colleagues. 


Mind Wellness Action Plan

Wellness Actions Plans are an easy, practical way of helping you support your own mental health at work, find out more here.


FA Concussion Guidelines Free Online Course

Learn about how you can recognise a concussion and manage one from the time of injury through to a player’s safe return to football here.


St John Ambulance

Lesson plans in First aid to teach to young children and staff across organisations, find out more below.


Mental Wellbeing Support and Guidance

Activities to help support your clubs

Physical activity




You can find more videos on our Find Your Active YouTube channel, here.

Have resources you’d like us to share? Email Chloe here: chloe.hinds@activeessex.org 

Safeguarding Support

Have a concern but you are unsure how to deal with it? Find more support for dealing with a concern here.

There are lots of places you can go for support if you have a concern. The most important thing is that, even if you are unsure, you can talk to someone and get advice – Don’t worry if you are unsure who to contact from this list, all of these organisations will support you to get the right help!

Further support and guidance:

SEND Awareness Resources

The SEND Awareness course was delivered in December 2022 for partners to gain more insight and knowledge to support their SEND provision, find all available resources to utilise below.

Oral Health Training and Support
Let's Cook Resources

Let’s Cook delivers workshops for organisations about nutrition advice, allergies, different food alternatives and ingredients, supporting children and young people to live a healthy and happy lifestyle – discover their resources below.

Workshop slides

Help! I haven’t got…

Recipes cards:

We hope you have found this page useful, if you have any feedback, need further support or have any questions about topics we haven’t mentioned, please contact Chloe on: chloe.hinds@activeessex.org