The Opening School Facilities funding through the Department for Education, is a programme designed to meet the goals of the Government’s School Sport and Activity Action Plan. The programme objectives are:

  1. To support schools to open their facilities outside of the normal school day to allow children & young people and the wider community to access more opportunities to be physically active.
  2. To open school swimming pools focusing on swimming and water safety lessons both during and outside the school day for pupils at their school and for pupils at other local schools.
  3. Participants are provided with a range of stimulating and enjoyable opportunities to take part in physical activity and sport, in addition to that experienced within PE lessons and extra-curricular activities.
  4. Participants are signposted to take part in the same or similar activities in their local community, following the end of their participation in the programme.

Since 2023, Active Essex has funded 34 schools across Essex to run various sporting projects to meet these aims. Through the funding, there have been 23,551 children and young people and 9,988 community user’s at OSF funded sessions.

To read case studies on the funded school, please click the articles below:

Shorefields School & Wheels for All

We recently visited Shorefields School to take a look at how they've utilised the Department for Education Opening Schools Facilities (OSF) funding.
Badminton club

Cornelius Vermuyden School

How Sport and Community Engagement is Transforming a School’s Journey, aiming to enrich their extracurricular offer and foster greater community engagement through utilising their sports facilities.

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Watermans Swim School

Bringing a Community Together! The Rochford school have successfully launched a swim school for their local area, providing affordable pool activities for families, children, schools and community groups.

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Treetops Free School

Increasing SEND provision is at the heart of Thurrock based Tree Tops Free School's work, as they aim to be the home of specialist fitness sessions within Thurrock in the near future.

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Shenfield High School

Through vital Opening Schools Facilities Funding, Shenfield High School have been able to reopen their swimming pool to the community, hosting after school clubs, competitions and training sessions.

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The Gilberd High School

How the Colchester based school is working with a local leisure provider to help get both students and members of the community active, by enhancing and developing their active spaces.

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Upshire Primary School

Opening its gates to the community, the school has been able to keep hire costs low and also introduce new activities. They've also developed important relationships with others in the area.

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Beckmead Moundwood Academy

How Beckmead Moundwood Academy have transformed is extracurricular offerings thanks to Opening Schools Facilities.

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Hedingham School and Sixth Form

Creating a Supportive Space for Female Students to Build Confidence, Embrace Fitness, and Break Barriers Through Physical Activity.

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Cooks Spinney Primary Academy

Expanding Opportunities for Physical Activity and Personal Growth Through After-School Clubs, Community Partnerships, and OSF Support.

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New Rickstones Academy

New Rickstones Academy uses OSF funding to provide inclusive, free extracurricular sports, fostering youth engagement and community growth.

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If you have received Opening Schools Facilities funding, please download the brochure below to read more about opening your school facility, and to provide ideas on how you may be able to utilise funding or additional support.

Sport England have also produced useful “Use Our School” guidance which can be found here

Download the Essex Opening Facilities Guide Here

Contact Information
For any queries or questions around the Opening Schools Facilities Funding please contact:

Tom Weller

Assistant Relationship Manager - Children & Young People

Email: [email protected]

Lee Monk

Relationship Manager, South Essex

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07917 651667

Dawn Emberson

Relationship Manager, CYP Lead

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07894 964327

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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