Active Essex continue to work with schools across Greater Essex to roll out the Active Lives: Children and Young People survey. The Active Lives Survey is a world-leading approach to gathering data on how children engage with sport and physical activity. This will give anyone working with children aged 5-16 key insight to help understand children’s attitudes and behaviours around sport and activity.

Active Essex coordinate the collection of data from Greater Essex schools on a termly basis. Each term, Active Essex will notify the selected schools through letters, emails, and phone calls.

Once a school has reached the minimum number of responses required, Sport England will notify ESPO (the organisation awarding incentives for completion of the Active Lives Survey) that the school is eligible for its incentive. The school will then be contacted by ESPO regarding their incentive.

ESPO will contact eligible schools via email and post. They will send schools a covering letter which includes the number of credits the school has received as well as both an electronic and hard copy of the incentive catalogue along with an order form.

EPSO Incentives Brochure

Each school completing the required number of responses will receive a bespoke evaluation report the following term.  This is a great opportunity to prove to OFSTED that you are ‘engaging your stakeholders in terms of health, wellbeing and physical activity’.  Insight gained from these responses can be used to evidence need and build cases for the requirement of continued or additional funding.

To read the latest Active Lives: Children and Young People survey report, please click here.


For more information, to opt in, or if you require support completing the Active Lives Survey, please contact Tom Weller

Tom Weller

Assistant Relationship Manager - Children & Young People

Email: [email protected]

Active Essex
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