Our Strengthening Communities team at Active Essex, do a lot of work around ensuring communities are supported to have inclusive and accessible opportunities for those living with a disability to get active. Sometimes, it’s just supporting them to know where to start, and understand what is available. Our Find Your Active activity finder is a great place to start!

Our Find Your Active Activity Finder

Freya Levy - Essex All Together Ambassador

You might recognise Freya Levy - she's represented Great Britain in an incredible four sports, and has been part of the #EssexAllTogether campaign since it began.

If you watch Freya’s video you can see what an inspiration she is for Essex adults living with a disability, sport saved her life and we want to encourage other adults living with a disability to find what works for them so they can also benefit from activity.

Essex All Together is an Active Essex campaign for people living with a disability or long-term health condition (be that visible or invisible). The campaign is about showcasing how physical activity and sport can really help change and impact the lives and others in the community, living with similar disabilities and/or health conditions.

Meet our ambassadors, access the UK Coaching Inclusive Facilities toolkit and read the ‘Time to Heal’ blogs, to be inspired and understand how to support residents further in the journey to becoming more active. https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/essex-all-together/


Also take a look at the Activity Alliance! Active Essex has a great partnership with the Activity Alliance. They have some fantastic resources available to help you engage more residents living with a disability in physical activity and sport.

Activity Alliance Resources
Active Essex
Two people playing catch

Activity Finder

Discover what physical activity and sport opportunities are available near you.

Find Your Active here