Find Your Active Brentwood network welcomes and joins up the sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing world and is co-ordinated by Brentwood Borough Council. The aim is to work in partnership to get people more active and healthy to live a more enjoyable long life.

Click here to download the Brentwood Borough Council Leisure strategy

If you would like to work with us, please contact:

Juliette Raison – Relationship Manager (South West Essex) [email protected] 

Stuart Tryhorn- Assistant Relationship Manager (South West Essex) [email protected]

Sarah Fry – Assistant Relationship Manager (South West Essex) [email protected]

01277 312688

[email protected]

Jo Cory

Corporate Health and Well-being Officer

Find Your Active Brentwood

Town Hall, Ingrave Road, Brentwood. CM15 8AY

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

Activity Finder

Discover what physical activity and sport opportunities are available near you.

Find Your Active here