Welcome to Find Your Active Braintree, one of 14 Find Your Actives set up across Essex to lead, develop and co-ordinate sport and physical activity in conjunction with Active Essex. Find Your Active Braintree is an un-constituted body made up of representatives from across the district who have an interest in sport and physical activity and in particular increasing levels of activity for both those who are active (but not yet hit the target of 150 mins per week) and those who are currently inactive.
Active Braintree Foundation was established in 2018 with the aim also to promote sport and physical activity for the benefit of health and it is now the responsibly body for the funding drawn down from Active Essex and will seek to secure additional funding from appropriate sources. The Foundation is represented on the Braintree Health and Well Being Panel and works in conjunction with Braintree District Council, Community 360, Fusion Lifestyle and many others. The Foundation runs, with Braintree District Council, the annual Braintree District Volunteer, Sports and Physical Activity Awards and offers small grants to those looking to increase activity including such activities as fun runs, club forums, walking and walking sports, pickleball, basketball, netball, chair based exercises, pilates etc.
Download the Active Braintree Funding Workshop Presentations here
View photos from Active Braintree here
If you’d like to work with us, please contact:
Hollie Wood, Relationship Manager (Mid Essex) [email protected]
Chloe Hinds, Assistant Relationship Manager (Mid Essex) [email protected]