Who are Active basildon?

We organise and deliver all kinds of sport and physical activity sessions and events within Basildon, Billericay and Wickford in order to get more people active and healthy. We work with local sports clubs, centres, councils and organisations to achieve this. Everything from admin to coaching, we either carry out or organise, so people can benefit from our hard work.

If you would like to work with us, please contact:

Juliette Raison, Relationship Manager (South West Essex) [email protected]

Stuart Tryhorn, Assistant Relationship Manager (South West Essex) [email protected]

Sarah Fry, Assistant Relationship Manager (South West Essex) [email protected]

Basildon Activity Awards 2021

The Basildon Activity Awards will take place on the evening of Wednesday 17 November 2021. Nominations close Friday 1st October 5pm. Invitations to the event will be circulated when nominations have been shortlisted.

Make your Basildon nomination here!

Basildon Sport and Physical Activity Development Grant

Individual sportsmen and women and sports groups can apply for a sports development grant through Basildon Council’s Sports Development Grant Scheme.

  • Individuals who live in Basildon Borough can apply for amounts up to £500
  • Groups including non-profit making clubs, societies and organisations based in the Basildon Borough, whose membership is open to residents of the Basildon Borough, can apply for amounts up to £1000.

For more information please click here

View photos of Active Basildon here

01268 722460

Basildon Sporting Village, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon

Active Essex
Two people playing catch

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